This Dynamic No contact is the modification of the classic no contact method. Depending on the specific circumstances, I believe that this variation of the traditional ‘no-contact’ technique can be effective for a large number of people. Then, what do I mean by dynamic? First of all, don’t worry—I’ve included something that makes the procedure more fluid and efficient, but all the usual no-contact techniques still apply. Essentially, when you start actively employing my techniques against your ex—and you do that by leveraging social media and mutual friends—it turns into a ‘dynamic no-contact’ period.
I’m going to cover a few things you need to be doing during Dynamic No Contact in this blog so that, without ever having to break no contact, your ex feels the strongest desire to go back to you.
Tip No 1: Remove every reminder of your Ex
Make sure you get rid of every single reminder of your ex as soon as you start using Dynamic No Contact. That means you have to put everything in a box, store it in your closet or attic, and never see it again—gifts, pictures, love notes, clothing they left at your house. This is really easy as well as hard.
You want to do this for two reasons, Reason No. 1 is that you want to think about your ex as little as possible. You realize that, right now, there are far more worthwhile things to focus your time and energy on, and you need to make sure that you’re doing those things to reduce the amount of time you spend feeling depressed and alone.
Reason No 2: Shift the Balance of Power from your EX to you. In order to get your ex back you have to shift the balance of power from your ex to you.
One approach to address this is to develop a more resilient mindset. Chances are that you currently miss your ex terribly and that, should you run into them in public, you would melt like hot ice cream. You therefore need to adopt an abundance mentality in which your ex is only one element of the picture.
You have to think that, your ex isn’t actually that significant. It will be far more difficult to attain your happiness and forward development if you are always surrounded by memories of your ex. You gradually won’t worry about your ex as much, though, if they’re out of sight and out of mind, and this is just where you want to be.
If you haven’t already, go ahead, pack everything that reminds you of your Ex and hide it from view. As I said, you’ll be happy you did.
Tip No 2. Expand your Social Circle
This is one of the greatest approaches to meeting new people that can enviously make your ex jealous as well as to divert your thoughts from them. As it happens, jealousy is a very effective weapon for winning back your ex and is among the best excuses to increase your social circle.
Growing your social circle, nevertheless, offers several other advantages. To start with, it will assist you to avoid thinking about your ex. Moreover, it complements my ‘Covert jealousy tactics’, one of my most effective psychological strategies, I designed, more of it later in the blog. Just know that it’s about making your ex jealous without being overt or blatant about it. I cannot stress enough the value of making new acquaintances during Dynamic No Contact.
As things are, your mind is deceiving you into believing that there is only one other person in the world who is just like your ex. Your brain currently believes that you should only be with your ex. You have a lying brain, I hate to tell you that. The truth is that you haven’t met the hundreds of thousands of people, if not more, so who are just as compatible with you as your ex.
Your brain is therefore functioning from a fictitious scarcity.
You would likely be just as compatible, if not more, with many more men and women than you would be with your ex. You’ll be relieved to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around getting your ex back once you’ve been exposed to these folks. This insight will actually work in your favour. Here you’re utilizing human psychology since we’re all naturally drawn to highly social people and we unconsciously think that a person with a large social circle must be attractive and successful.
Numerous research studies have demonstrated this, and it will be effective on your ex as well as those around you. Go out there, make new acquaintances, and interact with them honestly and humanly. It will amaze you how fast, at this time of transition, you can make new friends. Being frank and accommodating will help everything to fall into place.
Tip No 3. Launch a relentless quest to improve yourself
I’m talking now about truly improving yourself in every aspect. That implies, that you should work out every day, eat better, read more, pick up new hobbies, and learn new skills—just do all in your power to ensure that you are becoming the best version of yourself. Recall that, if you’re depressed and life isn’t going anywhere, your ex won’t try to win you back. But he or she will start to question, why they ever let you go in the first place if they witness you becoming healthier, wiser, and more informed.
Come up with a self-development schedule and stick to it. It need not take up much time. Just set out, say, an hour each day to do something that will genuinely make a difference in your life. You could, for instance, exercise for an hour on Mondays while listening to a podcast. Get instruction in woodworking on Tuesday. Go to a spin class on Wednesdays. Just be sure you never skip your hour to work on yourself.
You will want to keep on after you establish this as a habit and begin to notice improvements in yourself. And as I previously mentioned, don’t be shocked if your ex calls to tell you how much they miss you after they notice how much you’re growing as a person.
Sincerely, though, who knows? After you complete your self-improvement program, you can realize that you are far more attractive than your ex and perhaps be content to even move on.
Tip No 4. Reconnect with your friends and family
Reestablish contact with your family and friends. It is therefore a fantastic moment to replace that lost company with other forms of connections. Of course, you can never totally replace someone with whom you have a strong bond, but one of the best ways to somewhat close that gap and boost your confidence and sense of security is to strengthen your current friendships.
Honestly, you most likely lost touch with some friends during your relationship, or perhaps you simply didn’t have enough time to spend with your closest friend. In any case, this is a terrific moment to reestablish contact. But never forget to enjoy yourself and put your split behind you during that time.
This is merely an opportunity to catch up with an old buddy and have fun; it’s not a therapy session. Making new acquaintances will help you to reconnect with those who never left you in the first place and forget your ex. Believe me, you’d be surprised by how much that link means.
You may use your pals to help you win back your ex, too. During Dynamic No Contact, social media is one of the best ways to covertly send a message to your ex. You can share photos or anecdotes of your enjoyable moments with friends—especially gorgeous friends of the other sex—and just know that your ex is feeling left out and depressed.
It’s a terrific approach to sub-communicate to your ex that you’re enjoying life to the fullest and aren’t missing them terribly. Using friends and social media is one of the finest ways to let your ex know that you’re really over them.
Tip No 5. Take Good care of yourself
Treat yourself. Although it is the time for introspection and development, treating yourself and infusing some positivity into your life are other important goals too.
So, indulge in that bike or guitar you’ve always wanted, or purchase yourself those new kicks you’ve admired. It’s going to spur you on to more activity and provide you with fresh topics to discuss if you come across your ex in future.
Stay out of a depressing cycle of thinking about your flaws and the things you could have done better. Recall that relationships break up all the time; it doesn’t indicate anything is wrong with you and you have to start by being good to yourself if you want your ex to treat you better and value what you provided to them.
Now, one indulgence I don’t advise indulging yourself to is the consumption of too much of alchohol. It’s usually a recipe for disaster to consume any substantial amount of alcohol during this time. While for many people it can be enjoyable in the moment, you could wake up feeling much more unhappy than before. And worst of all, it can naturally cause you to contact your ex in a less than ideal way—like making a phone call at 3 am in the morning. Thus, before you turn to drinking during no-contact, think very carefully.
Tip No 6. Try Dating around
Try dating around, or at the very least, spend a lot of time with a new people. Going on dates is ideally part of that as well. Although it may seem contradictory, the reality is that spending time with other people is far more likely to catch your ex’s attention than anything else. They are counting on precisely that.
Now, it’s the human nature to chase for the things that you want but can’t have it. It is also a matter of power dynamics if your ex knows they can have total control and can have whatever they wants from you even though you’re not in a relationship anymore. This is unlikely to arouse feelings of longing and desire which is the whole purpose. This(dating around) is about reclaiming Some of That Power by instilling the right feelings and a little fear or sense of urgency in your ex. It’ll help them realize that if they don’t act fast, you won’t be around forever.
Since you aren’t going to be contacting your ex, you’re going to have to rely on the Grapevine (dropping hints that you are dating your mutual friend) again. So, drop a few hints and references to what you’re doing with mutual friends so that they’ll then gossip with your Ex and share the news.
You can also use social media or just allude at this stuff quietly when you do start talking to your ex again to pique their interest. Usually, you may reasonably anticipate that word will get to your ex, or that they will question you straight out when you encounter them again.
Even if you don’t feel like dating after a breakup, it will show to you that there are other fish in the sea and greatly increase your confidence. Therefore, even though you could still be attached to your ex, you never know, dating other people might help you get back together more quickly than staying home alone.
So really that’s what sets Dynamic no contact apart from traditional no contact it’s all about moving forward with momentum and engaging with your ex from afar.