In this blog, we’re diving deep into how jealousy is an important tool that can help you win back your ex if employed properly. But if mishandled, jealousy can backfire and destroy your chances. So just remember to tread carefully if you plan on making jealousy a part of your strategy. 

How exactly does jealousy backfire on you, and how does hidden jealousy vary from covert jealousy? 

Inciting jealousy is all about making your ex worry about losing you and to eventually making them want him or her to think or at least suspect that you’re seeing somebody new and that you may move on for good if they don’t come back to you very soon.This only works if your ex has no idea that you’re actually trying to make them jealous. 

It won’t work, if your ex feels as though you are performing for your own advantage. Actually, it will have the reverse influence then. Apart from the fact that you have no other options left to you, your ex would believe you to be desperate and deceitful. It is not good, and it will drive them away from you faster than almost anything else. Nobody enjoys being duped, really.

But underlying covert jealousy is keeping your ex in the dark about your actual intentions. Should you be successful in inciting covert jealousy, your ex will believe that their jealousy is totally self-driven. Actually, they’ll believe you tried to keep these things to yourself and that they’re the ones snooping into your personal life. What, therefore, are the secrets of leveraging concealed jealousy?

Employ a period of No-contact

Yes, I know you don’t want to hear me explain how the 30-day no contact rule works again, but just keep in mind that using no contact method as part of your larger plan will greatly help to make your ex feel jealous. This works, since it tells your ex you’re moved on and you’re not interested in interacting with them. You are somewhat separating yourself from your ex so that you cannot be accused of dating someone else simply to try to grab their attention. It also sets the scene for covert jealousy since it gives you enough time after the split so that, when you start dating once again, it will seem natural and not like you’re just on the rebound.

To go out and Start living. every moment

You have to get out there and begin to live your best life. Now, although many individuals would ignore this when trying to make their ex jealous, it’s actually quite crucial. Your ex isn’t expecting you to actually flourish in the weeks and months following a split. Actually, they are expecting you to laze around the house feeling self-conscious. That’s why you should do the exact opposite and start living life to the fullest.

Another way to put it is by getting out and making as many new friends as you can while being as sociable as you could possibly be. Reaching out to old acquaintances, joining a club, engaging in a new hobby, visiting the gym and being fit, reaching your objectives, and just actually flourishing. Remember that jealousy is more than romantic relationships. Since it’s displaying your ex a life they want and decided to walk away from, you want your ex to be envious that you’re having fun without them. This may be, honestly, just as potent as dating someone new. That will cause them to miss you more than ever.

Also read: Learn tested techniques to get your ex back under professional direction and that too with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Our committed programs and support can help you to meet with your ex-girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, or spouse. Get your ex back now! and start your journey towards a rekindled romance today!

Note: Learn tested techniques to get your ex back under professional direction, and that too with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Our committed programs and support can help you to meet with your ex-girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, or spouse. Get your ex back now! and start your journey towards a rekindled romance today!

Date or hang-out with the people of opposite sex

Go on dates and hang out with every opposite sex member or the people of the gender you prefer dating. This is merely a component of the hidden jealousy approach, as I mentioned earlier, but it is nonetheless crucial. Though you most likely don’t feel like going on a date with someone new right now, you should put yourself out there and start dating as soon as possible, regardless of whether you really believe it will lead anywhere in the long run. 

So, register for Tinder. Post yourself out there on internet dating sites. Take up a new hobby where you probably will run into opposite sex folks. It makes no difference, really; just go on few dates and have fun. Once more, it’s just going out and doing it that truly counts; it’s not about whether you truly connect with somebody you’re meeting casually. 

Infact, you can even simply hang out with friends of the opposite sex or of the gender you prefer dating, and that can have the same impact. The more you date, the more your ex will think that you are in high demand. Your ex might question themselves about the reasons they left you.

I’m not suggesting you should go out and have intimate relation with the entire world right now, but let your ex know you’re much sought after and that people of the other sex want you. Within the dating world, this is known as pre-selection, where you become desirable. Mingle and just flirt your heart out; being wanted is desirable to the other sex.


Leverage Social Media to indirectly pass on the message to your ex

Your ex is, of course, visiting your social media profile, no matter what, unless your relationship broke so badly that he or she blocked you. You should thus have no trouble making your ex jealous on social media. Share images of yourself engaging in highly exciting activities your ex would not have you doing. Show anything that suggests self-improvement and the exciting life you’re enjoying without them—pictures of snowboarding, bungee jumping, piano playing—you may put any of those on social media. This is to show your ex that you are high value, I will also advise before that you should snap pictures of yourself with appealing members of the other sex. Show your ex that you have a hectic social life and are really popular. Tell the world you enjoy life and that you’re happy; do everything you can to transmit that.

One significant drawback to this approach now is that you must be subtle and avoid letting your ex know your underlying motivations. You therefore want to avoid publishing anything entirely out of character for you. Therefore, avoid starting daily posting if you have never been highly active on social media in the past and usually only post a picture on Instagram once a year. Perhaps start sharing once or twice a month instead, being careful about what and how you present the message. Just keep in mind that you want to communicate the message here to your ex in an under-the-radar way that doesn’t clearly show that you’re really doing it just to give her or him a message. Always remember, this is covert jealousy.


Use mutual friends to your advantage

If you and your ex have any mutual friends or common friends, then you most certainly can use those people to let your ex know things. Share the wild exploits, you have gone on with your mutual friends. Tell them about the people you have been seeing as well as all the others hunting after you. Once you share all these wonderful events with your mutual friends, they most likely let something slip through your ex. 

People enjoy gossip, so you could as well take advantage of it. Now, I know this may sound a lot like manipulation, and maybe you feel false and dishonest doing these things, but if you are careful and subtle about this, it is a really powerful approach to make your ex jealous and re-interest them in you again. Just make sure that this isn’t your main focus while trying to get back together with your ex. While covert jealousy is more suited with a light touch, self-improvement is something you cannot really overdo. Thus, definitely back off and cease using this approach for at least a week or so if you believe you are too obvious or that your ex is beginning to catch on.


Create mystery or curiosity while having a conversation with your ex.

Inspire mystery and interest in your ex-partner. This is maybe the most successful component of the covert jealousy strategy and among the least risky or likely to backfire on you. You can make your ex genuinely wonder what you have been up to and what they are missing out on by casually making a seemingly innocuous reference to a new friend you have been hanging out with without providing much more information or explanation.

One of my favorite instances of this is something you might accomplish via text. For instance, suppose that you’re you left your favorite sweater at your ex’s house and you need to pick it up from them. When you arrange to pick it up from their house in a text message. Saying anything like, “Hey, I’m taking a friend to a movie tonight at that theater by your house,” “Could I stop on route to pick up my hoodie?” 

If you’re meeting your ex and chatting with them in person. One way to do that would be to tell an interesting or funny story about something that you’ve done since breaking up. In the process drop a reference to a to a new friend during the story. For example: You know, you could say I went snowboarding with a friend last week and the powder was so much better than that last time we went and blah blah so on and so forth. Just don’t go into any more details about who this friend is or what your relationship with him or her is, just drop the reference in a natural way during the course of conversation and leave it at that. When you do this effectively you leave your ex wondering to themselves who this new person is and what their relationship with you really is? Regardless of the truth they’re going to assume the worst and their mind is going to go crazy with wonder.

Learn tested techniques to get your ex back under professional direction, and that too with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Our committed programs and support can help you to meet with your ex-girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, or spouse. Get your ex back now! and start your journey towards a rekindled romance today!

That’s it for this blog on Covert jealousy I hope you learned something and I will see you guys again in the next blog.

Note: Learn tested techniques to get your ex back under professional direction, and that too with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Our committed programs and support can help you to meet with your ex-girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, or spouse. Get your ex back now! and start your journey towards a rekindled romance today!