Here in this blog, we’re going to discuss about texting your ex in particular. I’ll be sharing six golden rules that you must keep in mind anytime you’re messaging back and forth with your ex.
These are just general guidelines for texting with your ex but they apply to pretty much all situations. You’ll want to keep all six of these things in mind anytime you receive a message from your ex or anytime you start typing a new message. So let’s begin.
Rule No. 1: Always have a real reason to contact your ex.
It’s critical that you always have a reason to contact your ex you definitely do not want to be reaching out to your ex simply to greet or to show off some pointless message, which is going to be a major turn off for them. Pointless messaging gives the impression that you care too much. Also, you don’t need a perfect reason to contact your ex. You just need a reason of some kind that sounds legitimate. Even finding a funny meme on Reddit that you know your ex will enjoy can be enough of a reason to contact them. Instead of sending a meme, you could ask a question that your ex will be able to answer.
If your ex, for example is an avid gamer and you plan on buying a new PlayStation, you can ask for their opinion on which games to buy? etc. What really matters is that you actually have a reason that’s going to sound legitimate to your ex. It’s going to ensure that you don’t sound desperate or you don’t sound needy and it’s going to greatly improve the chance that your ex is actually going to reply and it’s going to keep you from drifting into pointless texting territory.
Rule No. 2: No drama or arguing
Now this is another very important rule to keep in mind whenever you’re texting back and forth with your ex. It’s crucial that you avoid getting drawn into any kind of argument or drama with them. Your interactions with your ex should be positive and enjoyable for them and getting into a bickering match or rehashing old drama is going to do the exact opposite. Arguing or discussing a serious relationship topics in your texting exchanges will not only ensure that your ex doesn’t enjoy the conversation; it’s also going to remind him or her of why you broke up in the first place.
So simply put, you want your text to be fun and lighthearted, not full of drama and arguments.
Rule No. 3: Use humor
As we just discussed, you want to ensure that your ex enjoys any texting conversations, so one way to make sure that your ex does indeed want to read and reply to your messages is to make them funny. Now, if you find it challenging to come up with something funny to say you can just find a funny meme or a video online and send them if you know that your ex is going to get a laugh out of it.
Similarly, you can also go back to Old shared inside jokes and bring up some kind of amusing memory that’s going to make your ex smile. Please remember, not every text you send has to be funny but try to inject some humor into your text anytime that you see an opportunity to do so.
Rule No. 4: Keep it brief
By reading my previous blog, you’ll know that it’s important to show your ex that you’re not desperate needy or clingy and sending long, rambling texts gives the impression that you’re sitting around thinking about your ex rather than going out and living your best life.
If you were really thriving on your own since the breakup, which again is exactly what you should be doing in order to make your ex want you back, you really wouldn’t have time to sit down and send your ex a lengthy message, so keep your texts short. Keep your message to the point; no rambling, don’t put too much time into any single text; just keep them brief and fun.
Rule No. 5: Never be too quick to reply
Now this is to play games and that’s fair, but it’s also a very effective strategy for making it look like you’re not sitting around waiting for your ex to message you. Again, avoiding looking desperate is critical, if you want your ex back. So make it clear to your ex that you’re out living life; you’re busy with social activities and work or school and avoid responding immediately to your ex’s messages.
You may ask, How long you wait before responding? maybe sometimes you reply after just 30 minutes, other times, maybe you’re genuinely busy and you you make your ex wait 5 or 6 hours for a proper response. Don’t overthink it, just make sure that you give off the impression that you’re not dropping everything to immediately reply anytime you get a message from your ex.
Rule No. 6: Be the one to end the conversation
Most of the time when you’re having a back and forth conversation with your ex over text, you want to be the one to decide when that discussion ends. That means you’ll be ignoring or just not responding to a final message from your ex. Effectively shutting down the conversation. It is quite obvious, that you don’t have to do this every single time you talk with your ex. But for the most part, you should aim to be the one to end most texting conversations with your ex.
Well, for the same reasons I just stated, to make it seem like you’re not overly eager to talk to your ex and you’re not desperate to keep a conversation with them going on. This is also to indicate that you’re busy with life and don’t have time to have long, drawn out conversations.
Basically, it’s a powerful move, you’re sending a message in a subtle or subconscious way to your ex that you’re of high value, and you’re quickly going to move on to somebody new if your ex doesn’t change their mind about the breakup.
Hopefully this all makes sense, and now whenever you’re messaging your ex in the future, keep these 6 golden rules in mind, and you’ll be maximizing the effectiveness of any conversations you have over text.
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